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My RE reflection

This year i thought was the best Religion year since starting at this school, what made this year better than others was that we used computers to work instead of using our books. The best subject we learnt about this year in my opinion was the good and evil theme I thought that this was the easiest and most fun subject we have done this year. This year i have learnt more about the RE subject than any other RE class previously.–3

What does it mean to be Catholic?


I think being part of the Catholic Church means something, even though I find Church boring I think it still gives me some identity and relationship towards God. I am one of many thousands of people who are part of the Catholic Church but most of us don’t even go to Church or pray or even do anything relating to Church. The reason why I’m turned off by religion is that it’s very boring and simple. Maybe if something in the Catholic Religion would change then maybe i would be interested, but as for now I find most things about the Catholic religion boring. At school Church isn’t much of a big thing, even though we may visit it a few times and we pray it’s still the same old thing. If the Catholic religion became more modernised then people would start to be interested. Instead of the religion moving back we should move forward. So this is my reasoning for why  the Catholic Church is decreasing in popularity.

An example of good vs evil

Bad things in the world

this is a video of a 14 year old kid getting mugged this is an example of one bad thing in the world.

This is an example of a real world hero. The guy saves a child from a burning building, he was just a random stranger who happend to be walking past. If there were more people like him in the world it would be a better place.

Literary Forms

Historical stories are events but aren’t real accounts. There are a few types of historical stories these include: epics, call stories and genealogies. Epics are stories of heroes, and genealogies are ancestry.

Myths aren’t real stories either. They are based on supernatural events such as monsters and heroes.

Proverbs are a law or rule in the Bible they are also a literary form, they could also be interpreted as advice. Proverbs are common in the new testament as well as the old.

Apocalyptic writing was poetry and writings in the book of revelations which would predict the end of the world and what would happen.

Extremists wrote these messages to blame others for the end of the world, it was also thought that the these events were caused by the devil.

Although these people believe that one day the world will end, this is believed to be untrue and there is no physical proof of this happening.

There are many examples of Apocalyptic writing in the book of Daniel and John.
